Hands Off Jerusalem

As many Americans tuned in to hear President Trump make the official announcement of moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem and declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel, we were all left to wonder, what right does the President of The United States have to make such an authoritative decision?

There are currently 32 United Nation members that do not recognize Israel as a State.  The UN has sanctioned Israel numerous of times due to the crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli army against the Palestinian people fueled by the occupation and illegal settlements.

The United Nations has called for the U.S. to withdraw the decision of Jerusalem becoming the capital of Israel.  There are no legal merits that uphold the solidification of this decision and moreover, not supported by international law.  The U.S. President has no power to award statehood.

Trump bluffed.

Shortly after Trump publicly recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, he signed a waiver officially delaying the move of the American Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem for six months, but President Trump has not been the only American President to postpone the move. Waiver Trump

Following his predecessors; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, all took advantage of a built-in waiver in the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which the U.S. Congress made in effect in 1995, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and stating that the U.S. Embassy should be moved there.

The theatrics that Trump displayed with his announcement was nothing more than a strategic chess move influenced by his Zionist posse.  Zionists have mastered the art of manipulation and Trump who has shown immense bigotry towards Muslims and Arabs has played right into their craft. They knew that such announcement would call for an up rise from the Palestinian people and protests would erupt across occupied Palestine and throughout the world, which has resulted in numerous injuries and deaths of Palestinians under the hands of the Israeli army.

Zionists are striving towards a New World Order with Jerusalem being the capital of the One World Government.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), U.S.A.’s “invisible” government and State Department, was founded in 1921 by the Rothchild Zionist agents and Jesuit-trained Communists; governed by Talmudists. This “council” initiated a “program”, The New World Order.

In 2012, the “council” met and addressed the following; The general state of world government and multilateral cooperation; The status of nuclear non-proliferation (with a focus on Iran); The future of the dollar as the reserve currency of the world; The criteria for humanitarian intervention in the wake of the regime change in Libya and the ongoing crisis in Syria; Regulation of the global economic collapse and the loss of the dollar as a global reserve currency; Control “humanitarian intervention” and regime change by UN representatives; Control of Eurasia, i.e. China’s economic and Russia´s political influence; Regulation of nuclear; and Internet governance.

While the mass is being fed propaganda by the Zionist controlled mainstream media, Zionists are working hard behind the scenes creating false flags, wars, and deception.  All being done right before our very own eyes.

Having Jerusalem become the capital of Israel, an apartheid state founded on the illegal occupation of Palestine, and based on the racist and colonial ideology of Zionism, will be detrimental to the Palestinian people, as well as to the rest of the world, and all of humanity.

Ivana Maria, Editor for The Liberty Beacon (TLB), Middle East Rising News and OPTV – Occupy Palestine TV news. She is a human rights activist focusing on freedom, equality and justice for all. She speaks for those who are oppressed by sharing truth in order to shed light on global issues in support of humanitarian causes.

The Self-Realization of Politics

*This article was written on behalf of Dan Frank, follow him on Dan Frank’s Blog on WordPress

Politics has always been a great interest to me.  It all began in my teenage years, when my grandfather, who was very influential in my life, handed me a small book and told me that I must read it. The book was called, ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’ by Gary Allen.

At first, I wasn’t too keen on reading it. I thought to myself, I can be out chasing girls, driving around town in my hot rod, going to rock-n-roll concerts, hanging out with my friends but instead I have to read this book? Once the typical teenage boy thought process subsided, I realized that there has to be a reason why he wants me to read this book.

As he handed the book to me, my grandfather asked me to sit down, that there was something he wanted to talk to me about.  I always loved listening to my grandfather; he possessed such a wealth of knowledge, but in that present moment, I knew what he was about to share with me would significantly change my perception of life.

That night, my grandfather began to talk to me about the New World Order; what it meant, the agenda behind it and who are ultimately responsible for it. He explained that the book he gave me will thoroughly explain it, including; the involvement of the Rockefellers’, the Tri-Lateral Commission and the elite players.

As the years went on, I never forgot what I learned that night, as well as the book I read.

It wasn’t until the early 90’s that I began to notice the vast growth of globalization; The World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements (BIS), World Health Organization (WHO), and a host of others.  My grandfathers’ words began to resonate, the predictions from the book I read was coming into fruition before my very own eyes.

Ron Paul
Dan with Congressman Ron Paul

I began to read Congressman Ron Paul’s column on his official website.  He wrote extensively about global issues concerning a New World Order, which influenced me to begin researching our “Constitutional Republic” as the Congressman was a strict constructionist; interpreting laws and never voting outside the confined of the Constitution.

It wasn’t long after that I came to the conclusion that the two-party systems; Republican and Democrat, are nothing more than actors in a theater play; their lines scripted, memorized and performed. This is when I began my search of other political parties. I so happened to stumble across a book called, ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’, by G. Edward Griffin. This book was so profound that it heightened my quest for truth.  In addition, I was fortunate enough to meet the author and spend time talking to him at a Ron Paul rally in Washington D.C.

As I began my research to see what the process would be to run a congressional campaign and to win a seat in congress, the reality set in.  Upon my findings, and this was back in 2008, the approximate cost would be $1.3 Million. The average salary of a Congressman at this time was about $177,000 but the opportunity for a salary increase warranted an elected official to serve on a committee, which translates to engaging in blackmail and corruption. This did not sit well me.

Then one day I was getting fuel at a local gas station, when a gentleman came up to me and asked me about my Ron Paul sticker on the back of my truck. I proceeded to tell him that in my opinion, Ron Paul was the most moral Statesman in the Congress and that every vote he cast met the Constitution threshold, otherwise he would not vote on the bill, which earned him the nickname of “Dr. No”. Then this gentleman proceeded to introduce himself, “I am Bruce Slater, and I’m running for Congress here in Pennsylvania 16th District for the Democrat Party.” We exchanged a few pleasantries and then we both went our own ways.

By this time, a driving force came over me to run for Congress.  I decided to reach out to the Constitution Party headquarters 16th District, which happened to be in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where I lived.  I really had no clue what the process would be or how to even go about it.  So, I decided to call the 16th District to ask if they had a candidate in the running and it turned out that they didn’t.  Shortly after an appointment was made to meet with the Chairman, Jim Clymer and Director, Gary Odom at Jim Clymer’s Law Office, which was also headquarters for the Constitution Party.  The Constitution Party was founded by a Harvard Graduate, Howard Phillips, who had a prominent position in the Nixon Administration, but got very disenchanted with the policies and resigned, but maintained a strong network of political relationships.

The meeting went very well and I was invited to a state meeting in Pittsburgh the very next week to learn more about the party and the political process. As it turned out, Jim Clymer, the Chairman, was a private pilot and coincidentally, I was in the process of taking flying lessons, so we immediately formed a friendship. He became my political and aviation mentor, as we flew to many destinations around the country to attend political events. During these events and meetings, not only did I meet influential decision makers, but I learned a great deal.

The day came when I was officially nominated to be Pennsylvania’s 16th District Congressional Candidate for the Constitution Party.  This felt so surreal to me and little did I know that this journey I was about to embark on would open my eyes to corruption.

Even though I was surrounded by some amazing people who believed in me and worked hard to raise money for the campaign, as well as, collecting signatures, so that I could get on the ballot; it didn’t take me long to see the unscrupulous behavior behind the scenes.

Needless to say, we had achieved our goal, I made it on the ballot!

Alan Keys
Dan with U.N. Ambassador Alan Keyes in Kansas City

This is the part were the fun really begins. I immediately started receiving letters from various organizations, including lobby groups, as well as the press and held interviews with local news networks, radio stations and newspapers.  Shortly, after I was invited to participate in three televised debates, attended several political events in Washington D.C., where many were held at The National Press Club.  In addition, I had the opportunity to meet with Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Tom Tancredo, many others and had a private meeting with former U.N. Ambassador Alan Keyes who served under the Reagan Administration.

Speaking at The National Press Club
Dan speaking at the National Press Club in DC

All of this was so new to me that even though I had studied politics, history, international affairs and the quest for truth, I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

While in one of my meetings, I was told that there are a few topics a running candidate should not discuss or share personal views on.  Among these were; The official September 11, 2001 “terrorist attacks” narrative. Under no circumstances a candidate should question the narrative or shed light about the “attacks”.  The second topic that one must not touch is criticism of Israel.  What many Americans are unaware of is the amount of influence Israel has over our government and politicians. AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the most powerful pro-Israel lobbying advocacy group in the United States.  AIPAC has spent millions lobbying Congress and federal agencies to press its agenda, which includes continuing to ensure U.S. military aid to Israel.  If a political American candidate wants to stand a chance in the race, they must give their unconditional support for Israel.  In fact, AIPAC makes candidates sign an oath to always vote in favor for Israel in Congress. However, those that do not abide by AIPAC’s AIPACdemands will have a short political career and their name tarnished by pro-Israeli advocacy groups.

It didn’t take long to realize that in order to succeed in politics you had to play the game.  I wasn’t about to relinquish my convictions, so I decided to take this opportunity and the platform that was given to me to spread truth and fight the establishments. I even went as far, as to tell my district that The Federal Reserve was not Federal, but a private bank, which to my surprise very few new this fact. Seeing so many companies outsourcing and contributing to globalization outraged me because I witnessed several friends of mine fall victims to this and lose their jobs.  I openly would speak about “globalization” being a code for the New World Order.

Television InterviewDuring my speeches, television, radio and newspapers interviews I would mention several facts, such as; the trade deficit numbers with countries like China and Mexico; the Patriot Act, which violates out 4th Amendment Rights; the “war on terror”, being nothing more than propaganda to justify the destabilization of the Middle-East and exposing the fraud within the two-system parties.

Even though I knew I was harping on “red-tape” topics, my ultimate goal was to reach as many people as I could to inform them of the truth. Many of my constituents would email me to say thank you for bringing up such issues.  I may have not won the election; however, I have no regrets.  It was a fascinating journey and an eye awakening experience. In the end, I was able to fulfill a greater purpose in my life and assist in awakening humanity.

Ivana Maria,  Editor and Host of The Liberty Beacon, Middle East Rising News and Occupy Palestine913t2538Final TV; is a human rights activist focusing on freedom, equality and justice for all. She speaks for those who are oppressed by sharing truth in order to shed light on global issues in support of humanitarian causes.






Dickinson, TX – Residents of a suburb 30 miles southeast of Houston that was greatly impacted by the wake of the storm must vow not to boycott Israel in order to receive any relief.

‘Hurricane Harvey Repair Grant Application and Agreement’, which was posted on the city of Dickinson, TX website, includes the following clause;

“Verification not to Boycott Israel. By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement.”

Many are concern about this being a clear violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution which guarantees Freedom of Speech.

This comes after the growing worldwide support of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel.  This global movement is led by pro-Palestinian supporters who want to see freedom, equality and justice bestowed on the Palestinian people.

For over 60 years, Palestinians have been under an Israeli occupation. The crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli government and military have gone unpunished.  The BDS movement, which launched approximately eleven years ago, was created for the purpose to stop injustice and the international support of Israel by boycotting Israeli products, government support, free-trade agreements, ending military trade and international companies involved in human rights violation of the Palestinian people.

Earlier this year, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, signed into legislation a law into the House Bill (HB 89), known as the Anti-BDS Bill, which prohibits all state agencies from contracting with companies that boycott Israel.

“As Israel’s number one trading partner in the United States, Texas is proud to reaffirm its support for the people of Israel and we will continue to build on our historic partnership. Anti-Israel policies are anti-Texas policies, and we will not tolerate such actions against an important ally.”, – Governor Greg Abbot of Texas.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has stepped in to call the contract a violation of free speech rights.

“The First Amendment protects Americans’ right to boycott, and the government cannot condition hurricane relief or any other public benefit on a commitment to refrain from protected political expression,” said ACLU of Texas Legal Director Andre Segura.

Ivana Maria, Editor and Host of The Liberty Beacon, Middle East Rising News and Occupy Palestine913t2538Final TV; is a human rights activist focusing on freedom, equality and justice for all. She speaks for those who are oppressed by sharing truth in order to shed light on global issues in support of humanitarian causes.