Hands Off Jerusalem

As many Americans tuned in to hear President Trump make the official announcement of moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem and declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel, we were all left to wonder, what right does the President of The United States have to make such an authoritative decision?

There are currently 32 United Nation members that do not recognize Israel as a State.  The UN has sanctioned Israel numerous of times due to the crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli army against the Palestinian people fueled by the occupation and illegal settlements.

The United Nations has called for the U.S. to withdraw the decision of Jerusalem becoming the capital of Israel.  There are no legal merits that uphold the solidification of this decision and moreover, not supported by international law.  The U.S. President has no power to award statehood.

Trump bluffed.

Shortly after Trump publicly recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, he signed a waiver officially delaying the move of the American Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem for six months, but President Trump has not been the only American President to postpone the move. Waiver Trump

Following his predecessors; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, all took advantage of a built-in waiver in the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which the U.S. Congress made in effect in 1995, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and stating that the U.S. Embassy should be moved there.

The theatrics that Trump displayed with his announcement was nothing more than a strategic chess move influenced by his Zionist posse.  Zionists have mastered the art of manipulation and Trump who has shown immense bigotry towards Muslims and Arabs has played right into their craft. They knew that such announcement would call for an up rise from the Palestinian people and protests would erupt across occupied Palestine and throughout the world, which has resulted in numerous injuries and deaths of Palestinians under the hands of the Israeli army.

Zionists are striving towards a New World Order with Jerusalem being the capital of the One World Government.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), U.S.A.’s “invisible” government and State Department, was founded in 1921 by the Rothchild Zionist agents and Jesuit-trained Communists; governed by Talmudists. This “council” initiated a “program”, The New World Order.

In 2012, the “council” met and addressed the following; The general state of world government and multilateral cooperation; The status of nuclear non-proliferation (with a focus on Iran); The future of the dollar as the reserve currency of the world; The criteria for humanitarian intervention in the wake of the regime change in Libya and the ongoing crisis in Syria; Regulation of the global economic collapse and the loss of the dollar as a global reserve currency; Control “humanitarian intervention” and regime change by UN representatives; Control of Eurasia, i.e. China’s economic and Russia´s political influence; Regulation of nuclear; and Internet governance.

While the mass is being fed propaganda by the Zionist controlled mainstream media, Zionists are working hard behind the scenes creating false flags, wars, and deception.  All being done right before our very own eyes.

Having Jerusalem become the capital of Israel, an apartheid state founded on the illegal occupation of Palestine, and based on the racist and colonial ideology of Zionism, will be detrimental to the Palestinian people, as well as to the rest of the world, and all of humanity.

Ivana Maria, Editor for The Liberty Beacon (TLB), Middle East Rising News and OPTV – Occupy Palestine TV news. She is a human rights activist focusing on freedom, equality and justice for all. She speaks for those who are oppressed by sharing truth in order to shed light on global issues in support of humanitarian causes.